Installing Octopress 3.0 From Scratch

I’ve been getting excited for the release of Octopress 3.0 and decided to try installing it today. I’ve never used Jekyll without Octopress so I struggled a little, but it was a relatively painless experience.

Listed below are the steps I took to get a brand new Octopress 3.0 install


I’m assuming that you’re not migrating from Octopress 2.0 but are starting completely from scratch in a new/empty directory.

Install Jekyll

gem install jekyll

Create Site scaffolding

jekyll new SITENAME

Install Octopress

source ""
gem 'octopress', '~> 3.0.0.rc.15'
gem 'rake'
gem 'octopress-deploy'
gem 'aws-sdk'

Set up Github deployment

  1. Create your Github-pages repo via Github
  2. Run octopress deploy init git
  3. Add your git URL to _deploy.yml file


Create your CNAME file if you’re using a custom URL with Github-pages

Build your site

octopress build

Preview your site

  1. Run octopress serve
  2. Visit

Commit Source

  1. Run git init
  2. Run git remote add origin GIT-REPO-URl
  3. Run
    git add .
    git commit -m 'inital Octopress 3.0 install'
    git checkout -b source
  4. Run git push -u origin source

Deploy the Site

Run octopress deploy