For things to work properly you’ll need to do the following:
- config.yml - permalink settings of “permalink: /:categories/:title/” are expected
- categories - add “categories: name-of-comic” to your yml front matter for comics/posts. Add a single category that reflects the name of your comic.
Front Page
The main page will always show the most recent comic and will autopopulate the navigation for next/previous/archives.
You can disable the sidebar by adding “sidebar:false” to the yml frontmatter.
Character Bios
This page uses Jekyll’s data feauture to populate the page.
It offers the following data inputs:
- Character Name
- Character Image
- Characater Bio
Edit _data/characters.yml to fit your needs and it will autopopulate the character bios page.
Thumbnail Archive
In order to use the thumbnail archive page you’ll need to add “thumbnail: /path/to/thumb.jpg” to the yml front matter for your comic posts.
The _includes/category.html template will automatically pull the thumbnails from the posts and display them.
About Page
This page uses Jekyll’s data feauture to populate the page. I feel like I’m abusing it’s intended purposes, but it works nicely.
It offers the following data inputs for information about the comic:
- pic: “/path/to/image.jpg”
- tagline: “tagline of the comic.”
- blurb: “Summary of the story. Displayed in italics.”
- misc: “anything else you want to mention after the blurb.”
- important: “listed at the end, in bold”
- amazon: “link to your comic on amazon”
- comixology: “link to your comic in comixology”
- drivethru: “link to your comic on DriveThruComics”
- gumroad: “link to your comic on gumroad”
It offer the following data inputs for information about the creators:
- title: “author/artist/cook/etc”
- pic: “/path/to/image.jpg”
- info: “bio stuff to make you sound interesting”
- twitter:
- facebook:
- tumblr:
- googleplus:
- web:
A thumbnailer plugin is icluded by default. You’ll need to add this to your config.yml:
# Autogenerate thumbs for comics
#Create Thumbs for the Archive Page
source: images/comics/
destination: /images/comics/thumbs
resize: "182x280"
#Autogenerate smaller size for small screens
source: images/comics/
destination: /images/comics/small
resize: "350x535"
This will create 2 sizes of ‘thumbnails’ from any images in the /images/comics
- thumbs is used for the thumbnail archive page
- small is used for smaller sized screens instead of using the full sized image
- this makes loading times faster and saves on bandwidth, it’s the same technique we use for our banner image
- Google Analytics (optional)
- just add your
ID to the config.yml file
- just add your
Facebook Opengraph
Fill out the following in your config.ymlfacebook_app_id: #enter your App ID facebook_locale: en_US facebook_page: #the URL of your Facebook Page facebook_image: #enter a default image (at least 200x200px) to use here for posts/pages that don't have one.
Twitter Cards
Fill out the following in your config.ymltwitter_user: twitter_card: true twitter_image: #enter a default image (at least 200x200px) to use here for posts/pages that don't have one.