Custom Layouts:

You can use the following custom layouts with this theme:


This layout automatically compresses the html output of all pages.
Thanks to

About Page

This page is meant to show a logo or image of the creator along with a bio or description.

  • Create a new page with the following frontmatter.
    layout: about
    title: about
    permalink: "/about/"
    logo: "/path/to/author/image"
  • Set an optional logo/author image.
  • Write your content as normal.

Blog Page

This page will automatically show your blog posts.

  • Create a new page with the following frontmatter.
    layout: blog
    title: blog
    permalink: "/blog/"

Contact Page

This contact form is meant to be used with a FREE account.

  • Create a free account
  • Add your formspree info to your _config.yml
    • contct_form:
  • You can also set the contact form per page by adding the following to the Yaml frontmatter for that page:
    • contact_form:
  • Create a new page with the following frontmatter.
    layout: contact
    title: contact
    permalink: "/contact/"

This layout will automatically generate gallery pages for any gallery collections you define.

Set Up Collections

  • Create an empty directory called _galleries
    • mkdir _galleries
  • Add it to your _config.yml:
  - galleries

Add Images

A gallery needs images so add some images to your site.

We’re going to create an example gallery called ‘illustration’.

  • Create a new page with the following frontmatter.
    layout: gallery
    title: illustration
    permalink: "/illustration/"
  • Create a new file called illustration.yml in the _galleries directory with the following content:
name: "illustration"
- image: "images/path/to/your/images.jpg"
  order: "1"
  title: ""
  artist: ""
  description: ""
  • Modify the yaml as needed:
    • image: list the path to your test image.
    • order: whole numbers starting at 1. This is the order images will be shown when navigating through them.
    • title: the title of your image
    • artist: optional
    • description: optional
  • Now navigate to http://YOUR-URL/illustration/ and see your image!

To add more images simply open _galleries/illustration.yml and add more data (image, order, title, artist, description):


name: "illustration"
- image: "images/path/to/your/images.jpg"
  order: "1"
  title: ""
  artist: ""
  description: ""
- image: "images/path/to/your/images2.jpg"
  order: "2"
  title: ""
  artist: ""
  description: ""
- image: "images/path/to/your/images3.jpg"
  order: "3"
  title: ""
  artist: ""
  description: ""

Adding Multiple Galleries

To add multiple galleries:

  • Copy _galleries/illustration.yml to _galleries/OTHERNAME.yml
  • Change the name: field in _galleries/OTHERNAME.yml
  • Modify the image information as needed (image, order, title, artist, description)


To create a second gallery called “doodles” create a file called _galleries/doodles.yml with the following:

name: "doodles"
- image: "images/path/to/your/images.jpg"
  order: "1"
  title: ""
  artist: ""
  description: ""
- image: "images/path/to/your/images2.jpg"
  order: "2"
  title: ""
  artist: ""
  description: ""
- image: "images/path/to/your/images3.jpg"
  order: "3"
  title: ""
  artist: ""
  description: ""
  • Now navigate to http://YOUR-URL/doodles/ and see your image!